Tailored Communication
 PD Credit Hours

Connect in a Customized Way

Every level of an organization relies on effective communication to move business forward. This course is designed to help participants build concrete skills for interfacing with supervisors, colleagues, staff, internal and external clients, and other key stakeholders in a customized way.

About The Course

Participants will be introduced to a four-quadrant framework of communication styles, identify and assess their own typical style, and identify when and how to use each style.

This course also shares effective strategies for managing difficult conversations. 

Learning Objectives:

Explore a four-quadrant framework of communication styles
Identify and adjust your communication style to more effectively suit the individuals you work with
Uncover strategies for managing difficult conversations
Share tips for dealing with difficult individuals and circumstances
Proven Results for Our Happy Clients

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Our team is proof that Mind Reach’s training stays with you even long after you’ve completed the courses. We recently went through agile training with a small group and when discussing conflict management, the entire group still refers back to what ‘animal’ they are and how it relates to what’s being discussed. These lessons stuck with us and we’ll continue to use. Highly recommend Mind Reach for any organization.

Mind Reach helped me tailor my communication to different styles. With this new skill I’m now able to manage a variety of conversations including very difficult ones. I’m now equipped to better understand others and respond accordingly. Mind Reach was a great benefit for me and the rest of my colleagues.

Communication should be tailored to the audience. This training showed my team how to “know your audience” in a tangible, practical way.

The frameworks shared in training were easy to understand and remember. We can use this information in our daily work (and personal) life for better results.

The virtual venue was an excellent medium for presentation and interaction with all parties. All team members participated and group work was not overpowered by just a few voices as it often is in a conference setting.

I learned to think about the audience I’m writing for and get my point across in the beginning, not at the end. Mind Reach was very helpful and taught me other things like avoiding trigger words and to remember the keys for success.

This team building session was not only fun, but actually equipped our team with strategies that we could use immediately with our clients and each other. Bravo!

It was a great experience to learn such practical and powerful techniques while collaborating with our team on a smaller scale. The instructor was engaging throughout the entire presentation and gave ample opportunity for the group to contribute.

It sparked so much individual and team introspection and discussion. The best part is we are all keeping each other accountable in implementing the strategies in our day-to-day communications.

The content of this course allowed us to re-frame our day to day activities. Mind Reach delivers the learning experience in an interesting, interactive, and efficient way while using relevant examples. Our instructor was extremely professional and very friendly. I highly recommend Mind Reach to other teams!